Transportation Planning and Advisory Committee
The Transportation Planning and Advisory Committee (TPAC) serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council with responsibility to:
1. Recommend a comprehensive Transportation Plan including:
- Street layout, design standards, and traffic control features.
- A Pedestrian and Alternative Transportation Modes subcommittee plan.
- Review and updates to the City of Austin Transportation Criteria Manual, adopted by the City of Blanco, to reflect the character of Blanco.
2. Coordinate all Transportation plan recommendations with CIAMAC, Planning & Zoning Commission, Streetscape Committee and City Police.
3. Coordinate city transportation infrastructure issues with TxDOT when state highways are involved.
4. Provide community outreach to ensure public input on all transportation related matters impacting residents.
Current Projects / Activities:
Future of Main Street - Following TxDOT recommendations for future US 281 route through or around Blanco.
Pedestrian and Alternative Transportation Subcommittee
Click here to read the resolution.
Meeting Times
Last Thursday of every month in the Byars Building (308 Pecan Street) at 10:30 a.m. Agendas are posted online and at City Hall 72 hours before meetings.
TxDOT Public Meeting Information
- An in-person TxDOT public meeting will take place on Sept. 29, 2022, from 5-7 p.m. at the Blanco High School cafeteria (1215 4th Street)
- A virtual TxDOT public meeting will take place on Sept. 29, 2022, at 5 p.m. through Oct. 14, 2022, at 11:59. p.m.
- Proposed improvements include:
- Widening the roadway to create a four-lane divided roadway within a typical right of way ROW) of 450 ft. The four-lane roadway would include two lanes in each direction and shoulders.
- Separating travel lanes by adding a grassy median to preserve flexibility in the corridor to accommodate transportation improvements in the future.
- Adding median crossovers with acceleration and deceleration lanes at regular intervals.
- Adding right-turn lanes at various intersections.
- Designing roadway transitions North and South of the city of Blanco to tie into existing four-lane sections.
- Upgrading the US 281/US 290 interchange.
- This public meeting will exclude the study of a relief route around the city of Blanco, which is being studied as part of a separate project.
The virtual public meeting contains the pre-recorded presentation and meeting materials such as the display ad, fact sheet, presentation and script, and exhibit boards.
Related Documents
- Transportation Planning and Advisory Committee
Group Members
Council Member Moore
Wendy Cambridge
Libbey Aly
Jo Nell Haas
Brandon Carlson

Citizens listen to the Chamber's Blanco US 281 Information Presentation on August 22.