Historic Preservation Commission
The HPC shall be responsible for hearing and making recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
- Historic District Designation
- Certificate of Historic Design Compliance
The HPC has the following additional duties:
- To act and assist the City in formulating design guidelines and other supplemental materials relevant to historic preservation or design review.
- To render advice and guidance, upon request of the property owner, its authorized agent, or occupant, on new construction or restoration, alternation or maintenance of any historic resource or other building within the District; and
- To perform any other functions requested by the City Council
From the City of Blanco Unified Development Code - Pages 58-59
Click here to read BHPC's annual report.
Meeting Times
Last Monday of every month in the Byars Building (308 Pecan Street) at 5:00 p.m. Agendas are posted online and at City Hall 72 hours before meetings.
Related Documents
Group Members
Historic Preservation Officer
Rudy Nino
Advisor - Night Skies
Wayne Gosnell
Vice Chair
Patty Haas
Hollis Boatright
Gail McClellan
Jacqueline Milford-Flores
Allie Franki
Advisor - Historian
Retta Martin