Municipal Court
Vision: Efficiently, accurately, and professionally handle and process city ordinance violations to create & sustain customer-oriented, quality service that provides maximum access to the court and promotes public confidence in the court system.
Department Mission: To promote a high level of public confidence by providing fair & impartial justice, while providing exceptional customer service to the public.
- Accurately process all incoming transactions
- Process city ordinances violations promptly
- Ensure fair & impartial justice to all persons accused of violations of the law
- Develop a culture that enhances trust in the Court System
Contact Info
Haylee Hartman
Court Clerk
300 Pecan St. Blanco, Tx. 78606
830-833-4525 ex. 104
[email protected]
Visit Website
Judge Daniel M. Burns
Municipal Court Judge
Related Documents
- Court
- Court Dockets
- OCA Appointments & Fees
Byars Building
308 Pecan Street
Blanco, Texas 78606
City Hall
300 Pecan Street
Blanco, Texas 78606