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Attention Blanco Residents and Citizens of the Blanco Area


The City of Blanco is accepting nominations and applications for the transportation planning and advisory committee, also known as TPAC.  With recent leadership changes at city council, and as a possible announcement of a proposed bypass approaches, the City naturally to reevaluate the purpose, function, structure, and composition of the TPAC.  The City also hopes to carefully consider the integration of TPAC’s function and work as the City updates its comprehensive master plan. 

The City sincerely appreciates and applauds the hard work of all current and past members of the TPAC, in service to the greater Blanco community.

 Any individuals interested in service on TPAC may apply for membership by submitting a brief letter of interest and any supporting material to the Mayor or City Administrator, by hand delivery at City Hall, or by email at: [email protected] or [email protected].