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City Election Information and Update


The City encourages all registered voters to participate in the City elections.  Early voting is underway through April 30, with election day on Saturday, May 4. Voting locations are posted on this website as well as on the Blanco County website. As a reminder, the City has contracted with Blanco County to conduct the City election.  Any questions presented to the City concerning the elections or balloting will be referred to the County.  Of course, citizens may always contact the County Election office directly through: Rosemary Adame, TREO, Elections Administrator, Blanco County, Texas, 830-868-7168, [email protected]https://www.co.blanco.tx.us/page/blanco.Elections.

As an update, as of today, the City has received only one request for voter assistance concerning the current City election, which was related to submission of a mail-in ballot application. The citizen was informed that the City staff may not assist in preparation of a mail-in ballot application. Therefore, the citizen filled out a mail-in ballot application at City Hall, and at the citizen’s request, the City Secretary emailed that application to the County Elections office. The County Elections office then acknowledged receipt of the application.  The City has since learned that the mail-in ballot application was rejected because it was not properly completed by the citizen. The citizen also was so informed, directly by the County Elections office. Accordingly, the City suggests that any citizens who have questions on voting or balloting contact the County Elections office directly. Of course, City staff is always available with referral information.